Independent Contractor Agreement


We are excited that you have decided to join us and look forward to a long, happy and successful partnership together.

The purpose of this Manual is to introduce you to your role as an online worker. Here, you will find information about your terms and conditions of work, our expectations around your behavior and our policies and procedures.

This Manual is by no means an exhaustive guide to your work with us. It has been developed to act as a resource and reference for you. The policies within this Manual are easily listed and easily accessed via the contents page.

Your Work

The following section provides general information regarding your pay, conditions and expectations of you.


Your pay $250 will be released every week and paid through EasyPay. To have your salary processed as soon as possible, please send us your bank account details as soon as possible.

Hours of Work

  1. Full time independent contractors are expected to work 8 hours per day for 5 days in a week. This may be monitored using TimeProof.
  2. Rest day – All independent contractors have 2 rest days per week. They can choose what days they want their rest days would be. Working week starts on Monday. This may be monitored by TimeProof.
  3. Required number of hours per day – Fulltime independent contractors are expected to work 8 hours per day. But because of the nature of work, the client understands that occasionally the full number of hours is not possible, but even on these days the client requires independent contractors to work 5.5 hours to count as a completed working day. Any independent contractor who cannot reach the required number of hours per day will be counted as absent on that day.
  4. Attendance will be computed weekly – To give independent contractors more flexibility, attendance will be computed on a weekly basis. This will give independent contractors time to make up for the days they haven’t worked. Based on the daily hour requirement, weekly required working time should be 27.5 hours (5.5 hours X 5 days).
  5. If you are unable to work the required number of hours in a month (typically 117 hours), we’ll pay you an hourly wage based on ($1000 / 173) * [number hours worked in the month]. So, someone working 80 hours in a month, who normally is paid $500, would make $500 / 173 = $2.90/hour * 80 hours = $232.
  6. The client understands the nature of the work. We understand you work from home. It’s lonely. We understand you’re going to look at Facebook and Youtube and the news. We understand that you don’t want us to see you looking at Facebook and Youtube inside TimeProof. This is the reason for us allowing you to track 5.5 hours/day of time in TimeProof. We expect you to work 8 hours/day. We expect 5.5 of those to be productive.
  7. The client understands the intrusive nature of TimeProof software. It takes screenshots of your desktop and uploads them for us to see what you’re working on. This can be very scary for you. We will not fire you over a screenshot. We will always try to be understanding and forgiving. We will always give warnings for poor work or excessive time wasting.  Just please be careful.  Really, we just want you to do your work. The client also understands that TimeProof isn’t perfect.  It might crash. It might have logging problems. We will take these things into account always.

Lateness for work

Any absence or late logins due to illness, injury or any other reason, and the expected duration of leave must be personally reported to your client as soon as possible (and prior to your normal starting time wherever possible).

Subsequent to this, you must keep us informed of your progress.

Code of Conduct Policy

Our Code of Conduct policy applies to all independent contractors and provides the framework of principles for conducting business, dealing with other independent contractors, Clients and suppliers. This policy is based on the following:

  • Act and maintain a high standard of integrity and professionalism
  • Be responsible and scrupulous in the proper use of Company information, funds, equipment and facilities
  • Exercise fairness, equality, courtesy, consideration and sensitivity in dealing with other independent contractors, clients and suppliers
  • Avoid apparent conflict of interests, promptly disclosing to us any interest which may constitute a conflict of interest
  • Promote the interests of the business
  • Perform duties with skill, honesty, care and diligence
  • Abide by policies, procedures and lawful directions that relate to your contract with and/or our Clients

We expect cooperation from all independent contractors in conducting themselves in a professional, ethical and socially acceptable manner of the highest standards.

IT, Internet, Email and Social Media Policies

Email Use

To protect the business from the potential effects of the misuse and abuse of email, the following instructions are for all users:

  1. Don’t email anything that is defamatory, in breach of copyright or business confidentiality, or prejudicial to the good standing of the business in the community or to its relationship with staff, customers, suppliers and any other person or business with whom it has a relationship.
  2. Email must not contain material that amounts to gossip about colleagues or that could be offensive, demeaning, persistently irritating, threatening, discriminatory, involves the harassment of others or concerns personal relationships.
  3. The email records of other persons are not to be accessed except by management (or persons authorized by management). Access in each case will be limited to the minimum needed for the task.
  4. When using email a person must not pretend to be another person or use another person’s computer without permission.
  5. Excessive private use, including mass mailing, “reply to all” etc. that are not part of the person’s duties, is not permitted.

Professional Use of Social Media

We expect our independent contractors to maintain a certain standard of behavior when using Social Media for work or personal purposes.

This policy applies to all independent contractors, contractors and sub-contractors who contribute to or perform duties such as:

  • maintaining a profile page for us on any social or business networking site (including, but not limited to, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat);
  • making comments on such networking sites for and on our behalf ;
  • writing or contributing to a blog and/or commenting on other people’s or business’ blog posts for and on our behalf; and/or
  • posting comments for and on our behalf on any public and/or private web-based forums or message boards or other internet sites.

This policy also applies to all independent contractors, contractors and sub-contractors who:

  • have an active profile on a social or business networking site such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat;
  • write or maintain a personal or business’ blog; and/or
  • post comments on public and/or private web-based forums or message boards or any other internet sites.


No independent contractor, contractor or sub-contractor is to engage in Social Media as our representative or on our behalf unless they first obtain our expressed approval.

If any independent contractor, contractor or sub-contractor is directed to contribute to or participate in any form of Social Media related work, they are to act in a professional manner at all times and in the best interests of the business.

All independent contractors, contractors and sub-contractors must ensure they do not communicate any:

  • Confidential Information relating to our business or its clients, business partners or suppliers;
  • material that violates the privacy or publicity rights of another party; and/or
  • information, (regardless of whether it is confidential or public knowledge), about clients, business partners or suppliers without their prior authorization or approval to do so; on any social or business networking sites, web-based forums or message boards, or other internet sites.

Confidential Information includes any information in any form relating to the business and related bodies, clients or businesses, which is not in the public domain.

Private / Personal Use of Social Media

We acknowledge that our independent contractors, contractors and sub-contractors have the right to contribute content to public communications on websites, blogs and business or social networking sites. However, inappropriate behavior on such sites has the potential to cause damage to the business, as well as its independent contractors, clients, business partners and/or suppliers.

For this reason, all independent contractors, contractors and sub-contractors must agree to not publish any material, in any form, which identifies themselves as being associated with the business or its clients, business partners or suppliers.

All independent contractors, contractors and sub-contractors must also refrain from posting, sending, forwarding or using, in any way, any inappropriate material including but not limited to material which:

  • is intended to (or could possibly) cause insult, offence, intimidation or humiliation to the business or its clients, business partners or suppliers;
  • is defamatory or could adversely affect the image, reputation, viability or profitability of the business , or its clients, business partners or suppliers; and/or
  • contains any form of Confidential Information relating to the business , or its clients, business partners or suppliers.

All independent contractors, contractors and sub-contractors must comply with this policy. Any breach of this policy will be treated as a serious matter and may result in disciplinary action including termination of contract.

For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Social Media includes all internet-based publishing technologies. Most forms of Social Media are interactive, allowing authors, readers and publishers to connect and interact with one another. The published material can often be accessed by anyone. Forms of Social Media include, but are not limited to, social or business networking sites (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn), video and/or photo sharing websites (e.g.. YouTube, Instagram), business/corporate and personal blogs, micro-blogs (e.g. Twitter), chat rooms and forums and/or Social Media:


The 3 month probationary period is a time for both the independent contractor and the business to assess suitability, fit and competency within a role. During this period we will be reviewing your performance and at the end of this time ongoing permanent contract will be confirmed. .

Leave and Benefits

Vacation leave policy

Unless specified otherwise, independent contractors referred to in this policy mean permanent full-time or part-time independent contractors.

All planned leave has to be mutually agreed, and take into account workloads and the independent contractor’s needs. Leave must be approved in advance (at least 1 week), except when the independent contractor can’t anticipate the absence.

Personal (sick) leave policy

An independent contractor should notify us as soon as possible if they are unable to attend work due to illness or injury. We may request evidence such as a medical certificate showing that the independent contractor was entitled to take personal leave during the relevant period.

Maternity leave

independent contractors who are expecting a child are eligible for 12 weeks of parental leave (covered by SSS maternity benefits)  if they are:

  • permanent full-time or part-time with at least 6 months service prior to the expected date of birth
  • casual with 6 months regular work who have a reasonable expectation of continuing regular work
  • Has contributed to the SSS for at least 6 months


13th Month

The client grants all independent contractors 13th month pay equivalent to one-twelfth (1/12) of their basic salary within a fiscal year. Those who have not rendered a complete year of service are given a proportionate amount of 13th month pay provided they have worked at least 22 days.

SSS premium

Given to all Regular independent contractors after working with the company for 6 months. client pays the premium either through reimbursement or payout options and the independent contractor pays the SSS premium as a voluntary member.

PhilHealth premium

Given to all Regular independent contractors after working with the company for 6 months. client pays the premium either through reimbursement or payout options and the independent contractor pays the Philhealth premium as a voluntary member.

Leave without pay policy

Management has the discretion to approve leave without pay that an independent contractor is not otherwise entitled to.

Incentives and independent contractor recognition

  1.  Perfect Attendance – The client provides an incentive scheme to independent contractors who report to work regularly.
  2. Service Awards – independent contractors who have worked for the client for a minimum of 5 years will be awarded.
  3. Productivity Incentive – independent contractors will receive productivity incentive according to the set of guidelines provided by the client. But it is still the client’s decision whether to grant productivity incentives or not.
  4. Yearly Increase – Yearly increase will usually range from $0 - $50. Every independent contractor will be evaluated based on their total work performance and attendance. There is no maximum yearly increase for outstanding performance. If the performance is poor, the client has the right not to give an increase.

Conflict of Interest


Conflict of interest arises whenever the personal, professional or business interests of an independent contractor are potentially at odds with the best interests of the business.

All independent contractors are required to act in good faith. You need to be aware of the potential for a conflict of interest to arise and should always act in the best interests of the business.

You must disclose any other work that might cause a conflict of interest with our business. Where there are external involvements that do not represent a conflict of interest, these must not affect performance or attendance whilst working with us.

Independent contractors must not set up or engage in private business or undertake other work in direct or indirect competition with us using knowledge and/or materials you gained while working with us.

Intellectual Property and Security

All intellectual property developed by independent contractors during their contract, including discoveries or inventions made in the performance of their duties related in any way to the business, will remain the property of the business.

independent contractors may be given access to confidential information, data, business property, keys to premises or any other business related property/information in the performance of their duties. This must be protected and used only in the interests of the business.

independent contractors must not:

  • disclose or use any part of any confidential information outside of the performance of their duties and in the interests of the business; or
  • authorize or be involved in the improper use or disclosure of confidential information;
  • during or after their contract without the client's written consent, other than as required by law.

‘Confidential information’ includes any information in any form relating to the business and related bodies, clients or businesses, which is not in the public domain.

independent contractors must act in good faith towards  and must prevent (or if impractical, report) the unauthorized disclosure of any confidential information. Failure to comply with this policy may result in dismissal, and we may also pursue monetary damages or other remedies.


You must read all the policies contained in this document and listed below. Company policies must be read and understood to ensure you are fully aware of your responsibilities as an independent contractor..

Please read each of the policies listed below and tick where shown to indicate you are aware of the rules and responsibilities.

Independent Contractor Declaration:

I have read and understand the contents of this manual along with the above policies and I agree to the terms of conditions of these documents.

Independent contractor Name:  


Leave this empty:

Signature arrow sign here

Signed by Kamron Nelson
Signed On: May 10, 2021

Signature Certificate
Document name: Independent Contractor Agreement
lock iconUnique Document ID: fab2d6ef017fd507b84f7973cea856949c5c2ea8
Timestamp Audit
May 10, 2021 9:40 pm ESTIndependent Contractor Agreement Uploaded by Kamron Nelson - IP